PCAN-Explorer is a universal tool for monitoring frames in a CAN (also CAN FD) network. In a transparent manner enables the presentation of content in various forms of frames including the symbolic form defined by the user. Integrated tool for VB Scripting allows you to create complex tasks of reception frame analysis of its contents, develop and reply.
One of the basic functions performed by the PCAN-Explorer is the ability to capture frames and analysis of their content. These activities may be carried out by custom scripts PCAN-Explorer (in this case: Explorer is the server).
Graphical presentation of the frames' content (ID, length, data bytes, the number of messages received, the relative time of receipt, etc.)
Hexadecimal and symbolic (the symbols defined by the user) presentation
Display frames given by the controller, a presentation of the status of the CAN controller and, if necessary bus errors
Sending frames: "manual" or automatic, in certain moments of time, in response to a received frame
Messages can be sent "from the list of" saved or loaded from an external file
Sending messages with an accuracy of 1 ms
Defining symbols and macros with the built-in editor
Available (purchased separately) extensions are: PCAN-CANdb Import - package working with the members' database PCAN-Plotter - creating graphs similar to "tape recorder" PCAN-Panel - creating front panels of virtual devices; aided visualization of analog and digital signals PCAN-J1939 - protocol communication using the SAE-J1939
Required hardware PCAN series
Free trial version (30 days): only for our customers, PCAN series adapter required. Please send your request by e-mail (only business addresses are accepted, ignored from domains: gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc.)